In the URL, you should try to keep the target keyword Latest Mailing Database the beginning, like we did in the title. In WordPress, the URL is automatically generated using the title. Blog SEOimg5 The Complete Guide to Blog SEO! However, if you want to Latest Mailing Database it, you can use the Edit button. Blog SEOimg6 The Complete Guide to Blog SEO! Content: Don't try to optimize it by stuffing too many keywords into the content, as it steals the essence of the article, making it content written for search engines. Content should Latest Mailing Database be written for the user first. Use keywords in your content according to the following plan.
Use primary keywords as well as secondary Latest Mailing Database in the first 150 words of your article. Use primary keywords 2-3 times and secondary keywords 2-3 times in a 1000-word article. You can increase the frequency based on the content length. It Latest Mailing Database would be great if you try to keep your main keywords in H1, H2, H3 tags. Use the Primary keyword in the last paragraph. Always use keywords Latest Mailing Database a way that doesn't break the flow of content.
Image captions and alt text: Use keywords as alt text Latest Mailing Database for images. If you are using WordPress, when you upload an image, you will see the options shown in the screenshot below. Blog SEOimg7 The Complete Guide to Blog SEO! Search Latest Mailing Database engines can't read pictures; they can only read text. So when someone searches for an image, using Alt text and the correct image name helps to find them easily. Great WP Plugin for WordPress Blog Yoast SEO: This plugin Latest Mailing Database helps to add meta title and description to all posts.