Conclusions and tips for your link profile Nevertheless, we Belgium Phone Number List know that qualitative link building still takes place and may also remain necessary to improve the organic result. The following 5 conclusions and tips based on this research can help you on your way! 1. Your Belgium Phone Number List link profile matters! For many this may be an open door, but this research shows once again. All higher organic positions have an extensive link profile. All variables included in this study show a Belgium Phone Number List clear correlation with the organic positions.
Do not underestimate the importance Belgium Phone Number List of the link profile and use it the right way. However, the link profile is not everything. The keen viewer may have already noticed that many of the graphs above show an increase in the number of backlinks in the lowest Belgium Phone Number List search results again. This can probably be explained by the fact that there are less relevant results that may have more links. Content often contains more relevant search results for this, but they could very well have fewer links.
Estimate your chances Do you want to actively Belgium Phone Number List get started with your link profile for specific search terms? Then estimate your chances well in advance! Make sure that your website/page itself is completely technically & content-wise in order, but also Belgium Phone Number List assess the link statistics of your competitors. Does the top 10 have a domain rating of 40+? In similar situations, there is a good chance that you will have to achieve an even higher rating. Our dataset shows that Belgium Phone Number List the average Domain Rating in the top 10 is even above 50. We aim to collect these industry-specific averages with follow-up studies.