In Lost Ark, there have many trade-tense methods, such as fishing, hunting, foraging, and digging. In order to be successful, a foraging skill is a key to your character. It revolves around gathering flowers, plants, and mushrooms via a Foraging Tool to craft potions that can help you ger lots of Gold Lost Ark , making it a core trade skill you must master as soon as possible!
You can technically Forage anywhere a map shows a green leaf icon. But you can look for the best farming spots for foraging to gather up those Wild Flowers and their counterparts. So let’s check some of the best places to level up foraging in Lost Ark where you can level this trade skill really fast and more!
Delphi Forest
One of the best very early locations to gather some fast Forager level XP is to visit the Continent of Anikka located on the East Side of the world map, here located in an area called “Delphi Township” where the farming will take place. There are mostly Tier 1 Flowers here, but there will be some rare instances of blue color-coded Tier 2 Wild Flower in here, too, so that should prove nicely for bonus XP.
Mendrick Monastery
Mendrick Monastery is located in the West Luterra Continent, and to the North of this area, just beside the right of the “Freyad Village” marking, will be a small outcropping where you can collect a fair amount of flowers around the zone and the enemies here pose no danger to you so you should be able to kill them with ease while running around the small area collecting everything and then quickly refreshing the zone by swapping channels in the top right corner of the minimap as always.
Slime Island
The Slime Island is one of the best locations to level up the Foraging skill in Lost Ark because of its uniqueness. We recommend being at “High levels” for this zone because there are a handful of enemies, which are mostly trash mobs in groups, but the real danger is the PVP Players who may or may not attack you. The farming route is straightforward and pretty easy. From where you start off in the zone, you immediately have to make a quick loop of the entire island while doing your best to avoid the incoming Hostile PVP contestants as best as possible.
Lullaby Island
Located just off the far East of where you first start sailing your ship from “East Luterra” and just South between Tortoyk and Anikka is a really popular location to farm Forager Trade Skill XP called Lullaby Island. There are several Mining and Logging trade skill nodes you can grab along your way of farming the Flowers and Mushrooms in this zone, so basically, you are getting THREE Trade skill level farms done for the price of doing a single farm for the Forager trade skill. So, with the variety of materials available on this land, Lullaby Island is one of the best places in Lost Ark to Level up Foraging.
That’s all about our best places to level up foraging; with its help, you would be able to level up your foraging trade skill effectively. If you have any questions feel free to ask them in the comments below.